Many decades ago, unions played an important role in getting thousands of Americans better work conditions, hours and pay. However, in the last few decades, they have helped drive the overall cost of living higher, forced thousands to join unions and pay dues even though they didn’t want to join, and they have become strong political entities pushing socialist agendas.
If you live in a state that is NOT a right-to-work state, you are forced to join a union and pay monthly dues, even if you don’t want to join. Our state is that way and if you want to get a job at local grocery store like Kroger, who only pays minimum wages and offers part time hours to start, you also have to pay union dues out of the meager earnings. For years, some of have referred to this as legal extortion and compared unions to illegal protection rackets – pay or suffer the consequences.
During the 2012 presidential campaigns, one very socialist union, the SEIU, paid protesters $11 an hour to be bussed to Mitt Romney campaign events to disrupt the event.
In 2014, the Wisconsin Education Association Council (the state’s teachers; union) spent $1.6 million of union dues money to campaign against Gov. Scott Walker during a recall election which he won.
In 2014, Adam Neuman was one of many teachers in Michigan who decided to opt out of the union after the passage of a law in 2012. He felt the union was too politically active in all the wrong areas and didn’t want his dues used for those purposes. After opting out of the union, he was shocked when he got paycheck and saw an $80 deduction from the school district. He inquired into the matter knowing that he should no longer be paying union dues and was shocked to learn that the deduction is not considered dues, but part of a program known as ‘release time’ which is a politically correct way of saying that the deduction is earmarked to pay the salary of the union officials.
In 2015, it was revealed that the National Education Association (NEA), one of the most liberal, socialist and powerful unions in America, was hosting the Read Across America initiative and guess who is taking a key role in the initiative? Yep! The GLSEN is an active participant with the goal of pushing their theme of acceptance of the LGBT perverted lifestyle and they want to reach all grade levels, even down to kindergarteners.
In 2015, the NEA again made news when it was learned that they were spending millions of dollars of union dues to help keep illegal aliens in the United States.
Now we are learning that the SEIU (Service Employees International Union) has shanghaied thousands of home healthcare providers into joining the union and paying union dues without their consent according to Forbes:
“In 2013, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) got one of its favored politicians, Minnesota governor Mark Dayton, to sign an order declaring that home healthcare providers who receive Medicaid money to care for disabled family members were government employees. But they were “employees” only because that made them eligible for unionization. The SEIU figured that it had a good shot at finagling a victory in an election, which would then lead to a nice infusion of new dues money.”
“The election, conducted under the auspices of the friendly state bureaucracy, was done entirely through mail-in ballots and under its rules, a victory required only a majority of the votes cast. When the votes were counted in 2014, 3,543 were in favor of the union and 2,306 against. There were about 27,000 home healthcare providers, so with just 13 percent of the total number, the SEIU was declared the representative of all 27,000.”
“Nearly 24,000 home caregivers had become union members without their consent or even over their dissent.”
Further investigation has discovered that some of the ballots on the union vote were mailed to vacant houses and business, leading many to believe the election results were a fraudulent attempt to enslave the thousands of healthcare workers and make them part of the SEIU.
Although it only took 3,543 questionable votes to pass the union bill, opposition has gathered over 6,000 signatures in a call for another vote, but so far that call is being denied.
America needs a national law that makes the entire country a right work nation, meaning that NO ONE will be forced to join a union and pay union dues if they don’t want to. Should not we all have that freedom?
The Michigan education association is referred to as the “Michigan Mafia”. By that state’s citizens.