Do you hate waking up to the sound of the alarm clock? Is the first thing you do checking your phone, calendar, the list of to-do daily things, and social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram?
You are stuck in this morning routine, and then you wonder why your life is not any better? Why can’t you just wake up like in those movies and do productive things, rather than staring at another Instagram photo?
Let’s check what you should instead do.
Wake up Early!
Your alarm clock may go off at 6:30 on days when you have to go to work, but on weekends you just want to get as much sleep as possible, because you have been working all week and it’s your legitimate right to sleep until lunchtime. Right?
Wrong! You should rise early every single day. It is something successful people do.
You have all the day to complete your tasks, and be productive. If you want to sleep more, you should go earlier to bed, and get the full 8-hour sleep, rather than sleeping late, and waking up late, even with 10 or more hours of sleep. That will only cause more fatigue, and dullness.
And do you know what they say? One key to success is having lunch at that time of the day when other people are having their breakfast.
I know, everyone says Smile. Smile even when everything goes wrong, and everything seems to fall apart.
And that “everyone” could not be more right. You have to smile, you need to smile, for yourself.
If you frown and get angry at things, and stay sad, you will not improve things, you will not solve any problem. Not that the problem will be magically solved when you are smiling.
But the fact is, you will be more optimistic and you will approach the problem in a better way.
If you are tired, bored, sad, or not feeling at your best, try to curve your lips as if you are smiling. Fake it till you make it, baby! When you fake a smile, in a couple of seconds, it turns into a real smile, and brightens up the day.
Have a cup of coffee!
Coffee is the secret weapon behind creation, imagination, ideas.
Coffee also helps to wake up, and not feel so puffy, as your morning eyes. But, do not drink coffee before bed, as it might leave you sleepless. Consuming coffee makes it less likely for you to get diabetes type 1 and 2, as well as dementia, and Parkinson’s disease. It is an immune system booster, and also helps with muscle pain.
And; If you want to be productive, have a cup of coffee.
Drink water and green tea! A lot!
Water has been called the elixir of life.
When combined with green tea, it is the best choice.
Both of them will keep you hydrated, at your best. Your skin will glow, acne will not be a problem.
They will keep you detoxified and not tired at all. Green tea will also boost your metabolism and help with weight control, and better digestion. It lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. Green tea has antioxidants, it will keep your breath fresh, and help with a healthy skin, healthy hair, and fight some seasonal allergies.
What’s there not to love about that?

Dry brush your skin!
Find some brushes that will not rip your skin, and find a nice scrub that you are not allergic to.
Use them. Every day if you can.
Dry brushing your skin, removes the dead cells, bringing glow and shine to the skin. It does look younger after the massage, which you will do with small circles. Do not go too hard, you will leave bruises on your skin, and we do not want that.
Dry brushing also helps in blood circulation. And it does help with cellulite, every woman’s nightmare.
Cover up on lotion!
After the dry brushing process, a body lotion is a must. The pores are open, the skin is hot, and it needs lotion to cool down and close the pores. It will also be well absorbed.
Wear lotion all over the body. Do not move your hand too fast on the skin.
Make it at a slow pace, enjoying your skin, your body curves. Enjoy the fact that the lotion spreads so easy, and makes your skin look heavenly soft and shiny and healthy.
The process of covering your body in lotion is also a self-appreciation and self-loving process. You soon will realize you should do it more often, and after a while it will become an everyday routine, one that you will not want to skip.
Have some Chocolate!
Chocolate is the most delicious dessert. Happiness hides in chocolate.
So have one, do not be afraid of weight gain. In fact, recent studies have shown that chocolate helps in digestion, and weight control, especially if it has 70% or more cacao.
But whatever, the same studies have shown other benefits of chocolate like lowering the blood pressure, saving the heart from attacks, etc.
Bringing smiles back to someone’s face is my favorite. Do not skip a day without tasting a bit of chocolate has been my best advice ever.
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