Green tea is known to be a healthy beverage and I’ve already written about why you should drink more green tea. But there is one particular tea, originating in Japan, that surpasses all its counterparts. Matcha green tea is believed to be the highest quality powdered green tea on Earth.
It comes with a long list of health benefits and it’s no surprise that it has been extremely popular in the Far East for thousands of years.
Matcha green tea is made by powdering the young leaves of Camellia sinensis plant. The delicate powder is then stored away from light and oxygen to preserve its high antioxidant content and superior color.
The Health Benefits of Matcha Tea
One cup a day will already provide you with astonishing benefits that include:
1. Cancer prevention
Matcha tea is full of antioxidants of the most powerful type called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG are known for their amazing anti-cancer properties. They look for free radicals and destroy them. Matcha tea contains more than 100 times more of these natural warriors compared to other commercial teas.
2. Increased metabolism that helps you burn fat 4 times faster
Matcha tea helps you burn calories and lose those stubborn surplus pounds. Studies have shown that if you include Matcha tea into your diet plan, you can lose 25% more weight than people who don’t drink it. This ancient tea comes with zero side effects, so it doesn’t affect your heart rate and blood pressure.
3. Natural boost in energy
Matcha green tea provides you with good, clean energy that keeps you going for hours after enjoying your cuppa. Like all green teas, Matcha does contain caffeine, but the boosting effect is attributed to the combination of other nutrients.
4. Anti-aging properties
The anti-aging benefits are connected with the abundance of the tea’s antioxidants. The drink fights off disease and protects against UV radiation, thus maintaining the skin’s youthful appearance.
5. Feelings of relaxation
Despite its caffeine content, Matcha has a calming effect on the body and can be used prior to meditation. Its L-theanine (a relaxing agent) balances the body and lowers stress levels.
6. Improved memory and concentration
When the body is relaxed, the mind becomes clearer and is capable of more efficient cognitive processing. Matcha tea increases the secretion of dopamine and serotonin – these two neurotransmitters play an important role in stabilizing mood and preventing depression.
I was introduced to this tea just this week by my granddaughter. I have begun drinking it on her recommendation not knowing all the benefits you’ve shared.
Is it in any way detrimental to add honey to the tea ?
So where can you buy this Matcha Green Tea?
Where cam I buy the Matcha Green Tea?? I Liv In San Antonio Texas